Launching of Cakra Abhipraya Cabinet

Posted by Web Admin

June 29, 2022

The Public Administration Study Program Student Association (HMPS AP) launched a new cabinet named the Cakra Abhipraya Cabinet which was inaugurated its management period through the First Gathering event which was held on February 21, 2022. This First Gathering event was one of the work programs of the main BPH in order to inaugurate the management of the Abhipraya Cakra Cabinet which was enlivened by all functionaries and the General Daily Management Board (BPH) of HMPS AP. This First Gathering event aimed to introduce the administrators to each other in all divisions. It was hoped that this event could be a fresh beginning for the leadership of the Abhipraya Cakra Cabinet for the following year and certainly could spread positive benefits among administrators, Public Administration students, alumni, lecturers, and the outside community.

In addition, the Abhipraya Cakra Cabinet also introduced this year’s management on social media through the @HMPSPUBLIK Instagram platform which can be accessed via the link year, the Abhipraya Cakra Cabinet bring a vision, namely “To present the Public Administration Study Program Student Association as an inclusive forum to assemble works and realize the goals of all elements of the Public Administration Study Program”, this vision can be created with the following missions:

  1. To build and create an internal HMPS AP that is appreciative, attentive or collaborative, and enjoyable;
  2. To optimize the function of HMPS AP as a forum for students to explore and express themselves to develop creatively and innovatively;
  3. To build synergistic relationships and cooperation with stakeholders, both inside and outside the Public Administration Study Program;
  4. To realize the Tri Dharma of Higher Education along with the seven fields and stakeholders

During this period, the Abhipraya Cakra Cabinet is carrying the basic values ??of the organization, namely synergy, contributive, appreciative, and progressive. The name of this cabinet is closely related to the Sanskrit language. The meaning of “Chakra” itself comes from Sanskrit which means “Wheel”. While the meaning of the word “Abhipraya” comes from Sanskrit which means hope. Thus, the Abhipraya Cakra Cabinet is expected to be able to become a driving wheel to realize the entire public community towards a better HMPS AP.

This year’s HMPS AP logo philosophy is symbolized as a hand that accommodates and embraces the seven shining fields and synergizes to realize the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. HMPS AP oversees the seven fields together with the main BPH, each with their respective responsibilities and functions, namely:

  1. Main BPH

Main BPH is a very vital part for the coming year. The Main BPH can also act as the brain and decision-making centre in determining the direction of the group’s movement. The Main BPH consists of the Chairman and Vice of the Association, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.

  1. Division I PSDM (Pengembangan Sumber Daya Mahasiswa/ Student Resource Development)

A division in charge of forming and empowering Public Administration students as well as producing the best cadres by instilling organizational values.

  1. Division II MIKAT (Minat & Bakat/ Interest & Talent)

A division that accommodates and develops the potential of students of the Public Administration Study Program based on their respective interests and talents.

  1. Division III Kesma Pekat (Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa dan Pengabdian Masyarakat/ Student Welfare and Community Service)

A division in charge of handling issues related to advocacy and student welfare. It is also responsible for carrying out one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely community service.

  1. Division IV X-Men (Hubungan Eksternal/ External Relations)

A division in charge of establishing relations with various parties outside the Public Administration Study Program Student Association, both organizations at Universitas Diponegoro and outside the campus.

  1. Division V Medkref (Media Kreatif/ Creative Media)

A division that is responsible for managing the media to disseminate information and carry out publication activities as the image of the Student Association of the Public Administration Study Program.

  1. Division VI Kastrat (Kajian Strategis/ Strategic Studies)

A division that drives Public Administration students toward scientific and strategic studies through discussion as the implementation of one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely research.

  1. Division VII Ekotif (Ekonomi Kreatif/ Creative Economy)

A division that is responsible for accommodating activities related to entrepreneurship and developing an entrepreneurial spirit in every Public Administration student.

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