The Implementation of Thesis Consultation and Thesis Defence
Public Administration
The Implementation of Thesis Consultation and Thesis Defence in 2020
According to the Universitas Diponegoro Rector’s Regulation Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Academic Regulations in the Education Sector for the Undergraduate Programs at Universitas Diponegoro, there are several provisions to be considered by the students of the Undergraduate of Public Administration as follows:
- The number of final project/thesis supervisors for 1 (one) student is 2 (two) lecturers.
- Students who want to take the examination/thesis defence should meet the following requirements: a) having met the credit load required by the faculty/study program; b) having been declared free from plagiarism in the final project/thesis through certain applications; c) having met all administrative requirements both at the faculty level and at the university level.
Therefore, all forms of administration in the academic activities of the Undergraduate of Public Administration can be done through the following page:

In the menu, there are several widgets, namely:
- Pendaftaran Skripsi PS S1 Administrasi Publik, this widget is used for the thesis registration process after the students have passed the Seminar Proposal Course
- Monitoring Bimbingan Skripsi PS S1 Administrasi Publik, this widget is used for the monitoring process of the the progress of thesis consultation which must be filled in by the students every month on the 2nd.
- Uji Turnitin Perpustakaan Undip, this widget is used to assist the students in conducting the plagiarism tests through the Undip Library Unit. Don’t worry, the process is very fast and professional.
- Pendaftaran Ujian / Sidang Skripsi PS S1 Administrasi Publik, this widget is used for the online registration of the examination / thesis defense. Through this process, the students will receive a confirmation email from the Secretary of the Undergraduate Public Administration containing the names of the thesis examiners. Make sure students have completed the requirements, including the proof of the plagiarism test a maximum of 20%.
- Kartu Siap Uji PS S1 Administrasi Publik, this widget is used to download the latest KSU by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
- Registrasi Pelaksanaan Ujian/ Sidang Skripsi PS S1 Administrasi Publik, this widget is used for the student registration after they have completed the thesis defense.
- Pendaftaran Seminar Proposal PS S1 Administrasi Publik, this widget is used for the registration process for those who take the Seminar Proposal Course to get a supervisor.
- Magang PS S1 Administrasi Publik, this widget is used for all information of the internship process at the undergraduate Public Administration.
For further information, students may see the Secretary of the Bachelor of Public Administration.
Wish you a good life and good health!