Cadreization Talk: Kaderisection 3.0

Posted by Web Admin

July 1, 2022

The Student Association of the Public Administration Study Program ( HMPS AP) is one of the student organizations of Diponegoro University that actively contributes to implementing the Tri Dharma of higher education, especially in the scope of the Public Administration study program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. HMPS AP is divided into several fields, one of which is PSDM (Human Resource Development). Each field has its own work program. One of the work programs from the HRD sector, namely the ‘Caderization Talk’, was carried out on Saturday, May 21, 2022. The regeneration discussion is an activity that focuses on discussing intelligence regarding regeneration, how the best regeneration flow is, and what are the impacts of the regeneration system at Diponegoro University, especially in the Public Administration Study Program. On this occasion, the Cadreization Discussion activity was entitled “Kaderisection 3.0” and raised the theme ‘Atomic Habits: Increase The Self Development To Be The Better Generation As The Inheritors’. The theme was chosen in the hope that the cadre section 3.0 activities can provide benefits in the form of new learning and a better understanding of regeneration, especially in relation to self-development or self-development.

Cadreization itself is a stage in the maturation of individual characters in an organization or in everyday life. As for the activities and stages of the regeneration process, it is hoped that an individual can increase the value that exists in each individual’s personality. The main goal is to improve the quality of self. In its operation, each cadre has its own way and media to realize good cadre. As we know, the process of regeneration at Diponegoro University is quite directed and systematic. The path of regeneration at Diponegoro University begins with PKKMB and Pendikar, these activities are an introduction to the university and faculty environment as a whole. In addition, we also know the Young Dipo Orientation (ODM) which is also in scope at the University. After going through the series, we also get to know LKMMPD, LKMMD, and LKMMTM. The series has its own goals and level of urgency.

Through the Kaderisection 3.0 event, it is hoped that it will become a forum for intelligence and opening up insights about the flow and urgency of the regeneration activities themselves. Regarding the implementation, this activity is in the form of a semi-webinar-talk show with two speakers who are certainly competent and relevant to the material from the theme presented, namely Albert Jehoshua Rapha who is a student of the 2017 Public Administration Study Program and Meisy Marina Beata Munte who is a 2018 Faculty of Psychology student. The two speakers presented material with different focuses, namely the focus on the urgency of regeneration in general and regeneration from a psychological point of view.

Cadreization Talk: Kaderisection 3.0 has been carried out smoothly and as expected. Of course, it is hoped that all participants can have the latest perspective on regeneration and its urgency. Moreover, regeneration is a necessity for every individual. The target of the regeneration itself is not only an organizer. However, all levels of individuals need this process in order to improve their quality. The implementation of Kaderisection 3.0 also coincides with one of the stages of regeneration, namely LKMMD. It is hoped that after participating in the Kaderisection 3.0 series of events, participants can find out that activities such as LKMMD are activities that are really needed because the benefits we receive in the future will have quite an impact on improving our quality. It is hoped that a stage that we know as regeneration is no longer seen as a rigid and formal process. Because more than that, regeneration is a form of effort to form the character needed in terms of improving the quality of each individual.

The results that have been obtained from the implementation of the Cadreization Discussion activity, one of which is in the form of discussion material about the importance of the relevance of regeneration on campus. Globalization 2.0 and the vision of Indonesia’s superior human resources 2045 = 6Cs Collaboration, Communication, Computational thinking, critical thinking, creativity, compassion. The function of higher education is to empower young people in the fields of networking, social, entrepreneur and research. A good cadre is not inclined or focused only on members of the organization so that the target must be comprehensive, including people outside the organization. The process while on campus needs to be tried even though it has to be from scratch, and from small things. One way to be consistent in the process is to be patient in the process and open your mind to continue learning. The importance of the presence of a leader who can empower people through their potential and try to be present to accompany their members during the process and carrying out program activities. The importance of having the courage to process and continue to learn, one of which is through the organization because by joining the organization, we can become agents of change or movers both for ourselves and for others. Second, in the regeneration process, it is necessary to pay attention to the output.

Then in this activity also generated intelligence about regeneration from the point of view of psychology and its impact on life. The contents of the stages of forming leadership abilities include: Basic Cadre, which introduces that there is potential in each individual. Striving to stimulate the spirit of leadership to grow, Middle Cadre, namely the value of responsibility to superiors and subordinates, has the value of tolerance, displays behavior that is not excessive ambition to be better and is also conditional, is able to control the attitude between the abilities possessed and the realization of things What happens in the field, high cadre, which is to make a leader who is visionary and responsive and able to assess the existing situation as it is supported by dynamic actions, able to accept criticism or praise as motivation for the organization to move forward.

The purpose of regeneration in character building. in knowledge to instill a new understanding needed by the participants to overcome the competency gap from the environment and the goals achieved. By behavior and actions to teach how to act, adapt, to be able to solve problems through the knowledge and skills taught and involve experience to practice. The purpose of regeneration in self-actualization. Miscellaneous:

  • Self actualization (need for self-actualization)
  • Esteem needs (need for appreciation)
  • Social needs (need for affection)
  • Safety needs (the need for security)
  • Psychological needs (physiological needs)

The process of self-actualization: ready to change, responsible, checking and having a strong motive, using positive experiences, ready to engage and develop. Organization is a place for self-actualization and regeneration is a place to prepare individuals to achieve self-actualization. Evaluation of the form of regeneration = rigid and not adaptive, no follow-up, focused on the goal of becoming a leader, limited to changes in knowledge, not according to needs. To adjust the needs, a TNA or Training Needs Analyst is needed: usually in the form of a needs survey that is needed before conducting a training.

The importance of having the courage to process and continue to learn, one of which is through the organization because by joining the organization, we can become agents of change or movers both for ourselves and for others. Second, in the regeneration process it is necessary to pay attention to the output as well, how the participants will continue the process, and how they change themselves, how their character develops because the real purpose of regeneration itself is to provide understanding and instill values to further create practice. on pre-existing understanding. From the psychological side too, regeneration is a process of self-actualization and finally, to adjust the needs of regeneration in accordance with the times, a TNA or Training Needs Analyst is needed, in the form of a survey of the needs needed before conducting a training.

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