Undip Community Service Program (KKN) Students Transform Rembun Village Services with an Innovative Chart to Simplify Document Management for Residents

Posted by Web Admin

August 7, 2024

Pekalongan, August 6, 2024 – In an effort to support more effective and efficient administrative services in Rembun Village, Siwalan Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency, Muhammad Afnan Adlani, a Community Service (KKN) student from Universitas Diponegoro (Undip), has implemented an innovative program. The initiative involves the creation of a requirements chart aimed at helping residents understand and fulfill the requirements for processing various essential documents.

Afnan’s program includes the development of an information chart detailing the requirements for obtaining Birth Certificates, Child Identity Cards (KIA), Identity Cards (KTP), Family Cards (KK), Death Certificates, and Certificates of Inheritance. The chart is designed to be visually appealing and easy to understand, enabling residents to quickly identify the necessary documents and steps to take before submitting applications at the village office.

“The main purpose of creating this chart is to assist the residents of Rembun Village in understanding administrative requirements, which are often obstacles in document processing. With clear and structured information, it is hoped that residents will be better prepared and face fewer challenges when visiting the village office. This initiative also complements the lack of information facilities at the Rembun Village Office,” explained Afnan.

The charts have been installed in accessible locations at the Rembun Village Office, such as the waiting room and service area. Additionally, Afnan provided direct explanations to some residents on how to read and interpret the charts effectively.

According to the Head of Rembun Village, this initiative significantly enhances the quality of service for residents. “These charts are very helpful for both the community and village staff. Residents who come are now better prepared and aware of the required documents, making the administrative process faster and more efficient,” said the village head.

This program is part of the series of activities carried out by Afnan during his KKN program in Rembun Village, aimed at making tangible contributions to the community while applying the knowledge he has gained during his studies.

With the success of this program, it is hoped that it can serve as an example for other villages to adopt similar systems to improve public services. This approach will foster a community that is more informed and better prepared to handle various administrative matters.



Author: Muhammad Afnan Adlani – 14020121140148 | Public Administration – Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Field Supervisor: Dr. Hari Susanta Nugraha, S.Sos., M.Si.
Location: Rembun Village, Siwalan Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency

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