TERAS JATENG 2018 – Undip Public Administration As The Best Delegation

Posted by Web Admin

March 8, 2018

On February 24-27, 2018, a delegation from Public Administration who represented Universitas Diponegoro participated in the 2018 Central Java Regional Administrators Meeting (TERAS JATENG) which was held at Tidar University, Magelang.

This annual event aimed to establish good relations, share information and discuss issues related to State/Public Administration Studies.

The Delegation of Public Administration from Universitas Diponegoro for the 2018 TERAS CENTRAL JAVA were;

1.Ilham Wicaksono (2016)
2. Nafisa Rahmahayati (2016)
3. Janue Arvianto (2016)
4. Ita Oktaviana (2017)
5. Aulia Wardiatul S (2017)
6. Suci Rejeki (2017)
7. Reifandi Yusuf P (2017)

The 2018 Regional Meeting (TERAS JATENG) was attended by 6 universities, namely;

1. Universitas Diponegoro
2. Universitas Jendral Soedirman
3. Universitas Sebelas Maret
4. Univeritas Slamet Riyadi
5. Universitas Tidar
6. Universitas Tujuh Belas Agustus Semarang

The event started on Saturday the 24th at 12.00 GMT+7 and ended on Tuesday the 27th at 11.00 GMT+7. The event was opened with a remark from the Head of the Department of State Administration, Universitas Tidar, continued by Cluster Discussions, All Cluster Discussions, National Seminars, Hearings, Field Trips and closed by Gala Dinner by all delegates of the 2018 Central Java Regional Administrators Meeting. In the 2018 TERAS JATENG, the Public Administration Delegation of Universitas Diponegoro succeeded in becoming the “Favorite Delegation”. With the acquisition of this award, hopefully, the Public Administration will continue to thrive and make more achievements to make Universitas Diponegoro proud. Thank you for all the support from friends and various parties who had helped in carrying out the research and preparing for the 2018 TERAS JATENG. Hopefully, his Central Java Regional Meeting can facilitate the Department of State Administration and Public Administration to establish friendship in Central Java.

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