Student Internship at DPR RI

Posted by Web Admin

November 17, 2022

Internship at the People’s House (MDRR DPR RI 2022) is a place where students can experience being part of one of the major legislative institutions in Indonesia, namely the DPR RI (The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia). Not only practical work, MDRR DPR RI 2022 also presents several public lectures with interesting material.

On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 Mrs. Dr. AP Tri Yuniningsih, M.Si. as the Chairperson of the Department of Public Administration of Universitas Diponegoro and the supervisor of the internship visited Undip students who were carrying out Merdeka Belajar internships at the DPR RI. Along with the visit from the Supervisor, there was a public lecture activity with a speaker, Mr. Achmad Budiman, a legislative analyst at the DPR RI Secretariat. He presented material on trial support at the DPR RI. Moreover, it was interesting to know that they held public lecture activities twice a week with different speakers.

In addition to varied materials and speakers, public lecture activities also contribute to balancing theory and practice. Therefore, the DPR RI internship was not only about practice. During the first month of the internship, some of the activities that had been followed included public lectures and internships in work units.

In the discussion of the talent management meeting, there was an intense discourse between the Apparatus Human Resources Bureau, the Legal Section, and the Training Center. The Rapersekjen on talent management is an urgency considering that the existence of talent management will increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the governance of human resources within the DPR RI and the Secretariat General of the DPR RI. The Talent Management that will be implemented by the Bureau of Suber Daya Manusia Aparatur (SDMA) is not a conventional Talent Management, but it will be supported by using an application that will also be assisted by the Pustekinfo work unit to initiate the application.

Along with BK ASN and Pustekinfo, we were divided into 2 working groups to do hands-on practice. The first working group was in charge of entering data from employee assessment results consisting of potential and competency assessments into the SIAP application. The second working group was responsible for discussing the ISO standardization system.

Hanif Sulistyo Rahardhani

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