graduate prospects
Public Administration
No. |
1. | Public Sector Manager | Graduates who are able to become implementers of activities, in the form of public services, development administration, government relations in government, private, non-profit organizations, or government-owned business entities that manage digital-based public interests. |
2. | Program Implementers in the Public Sector | Graduates who are able to lead and manage public organizations (government, private, non-profit, or government-owned enterprises) that implement public values. |
3. | Policy Analyst | Graduates who are able to become entry-level policy analysts can process information to support public problem solving, produce policy information, compile policy recommendations, publish policy input in order to make policy decisions in developing innovative organizations. |
4. | Researcher | Graduates who are able to assist in research activities on public issues (public affairs) in accordance with conceptual developments and scientific principles in research in the field of public administration. |
Graduate Learning Outcomes
GLO 1:
Graduates have integrity and independence in carrying out individual and professional responsibilities based on religion, morals, and public ethics.
GLO 2:
Graduates have social sensitivity and an open mind to appreciate cultural diversity, views, religions, beliefs, ethnicities and geographical diversity as well as scientific ethics in using other people’s original opinions or findings.
GLO 3:
Graduates are able to apply critical and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing public administration science.
GLO 4:
Graduates master the basic concepts of public administration, public policy, public management, public services, and administrative research methods in accordance with developments in public administration practices at the national and global levels.
GLO 5:
Graduates master concepts, process information, and compile policy analysis results according to the scope and complexity of public problems as a supporter of compiling local, national, and global policy recommendations with various approaches and utilizing digital data.
GLO 6:
Graduates are able to communicate research results as a basis for policy recommendations in accordance with local and national contexts by utilizing digital technology.
GLO 7:
Graduates master the basic concepts of public management, organizational theory, public sector HR, public finance, leadership and decision making, public services, governance and development, regional government, digital governance based on public values ??(publicness), collaboration, and sustainability.
GLO 8:
Graduates are able to lead and manage government, private, non-profit organizations or government-owned business entities that implement public values ??(publicness) collaboratively and with integrity.
GLO 9:
Graduates are able to analyze strategies, models and innovations in public sector governance.