Semarang Regency (7/10/2022) – BerAKHLAK stands for Berorientasi Pelayanan (Service-Oriented), Akuntabel (Accountable), Kompeten (Competent), Harmonis (Harmonious), Loyal (Loyal), Adaptif (Adaptive), and Kolaboratif (Collaborative) which are the basic values of ASN (State Civil Apparatus) which are in accordance with Law No. 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus. BerAKHLAK is also the core values of ASN which is the basis for strengthening the work culture that is not only carried out by ASN at the central level but also at the regional level.
The realization of ASN BerAKHLAK requires position analysis, one of which is in calculating the needs of position formations. This is in line with the realization of ASN BerAKHLAK considering the contents of the core values are ASNs who always meet the needs of the community and have the competence and quality to carry out the best tasks. The implementation of the calculation of position formation needs was also carried out by Public Administration students of FISIP UNDIP in internship activities at the Semarang Regency Community and Village Empowerment Office. The role of interns in the implementation of the calculation of position formation needs was to calculate functional positions consisting of first experts (ahli pertama), young experts (ahli muda), middle experts (ahli madya), and main experts (ahli utama). The purpose of calculating position formation needs is to determine the needs of existing positions so that there is no excess or shortage of employees. Another objective of calculating position formation needs is also based on the government’s expectation to have professional ASN human resources in accordance with the required qualifications so that later it will have an impact on good organizational performance as well. The preparation of the calculation of position formation needs adheres to the vision and mission of the organization in order to have an impact on the achievement of organizational goals. The calculation of position formation needs can also help organizations to be more efficient and effective in achieving organizational performance.
The implementation was divided into two stages: inventorying and counting. The main thing to do is to make an inventory of activity items. These activity items are activities that must be achieved by functional officials. After the activity points are compiled, it affects the appearance of credit numbers. The role of the intern at the inventory stage is to add activity items that have not been listed in the file and convert credit numbers into decimal numbers in accordance with the directions received. The calculation stage is divided into several parts, namely calculating the Time for Completion of Activity Items (Wpk), calculating the volume of each activity for each level of functional position in one year, calculating the Wpv of each activity for each level of functional position, calculating the number of position formation needs, and calculating position formation vacancies. In this second stage, the role of the intern is to calculate each preparation of the implementation of position formation requirements until the final result appears, marked by rounding. The expectation for the implementation of the calculation of position formation needs, especially at the Community
Gabriella Anggrisa Yunan Sevina