Public Administration Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University Holds Alumni Webinar: “Navigating Life After Graduation”

Posted by Web Admin

November 29, 2024

Semarang, November 28, 2024 – Public Administration Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Diponegoro University held an Alumni Webinar entitled “Navigating Life After Graduation”. The event, which took place at 19.00 WIB, was held online via Zoom Meeting and was attended by students, alumni, and lecturers.

The “Navigating Life After Graduation” Webinar began with remarks from the Head of Public Administration Undergraduate Study Program, FISIP, Diponegoro University, Retna Hanani, S.Sos., M.PP, who said that this activity aims to prepare students and alumni to face the challenges of the post-campus world, as well as to be a place of inspiration through the real experiences of alumni. The remarks ended with the hope that this webinar would provide benefits and encourage synergy between alumni, students, and study programs.

This webinar was moderated by Damaris Bernike Bellastuti, M.A., a lecturer and alumna of Public Administration who graduated in 2020. This activity presented two speakers who are alumni of the Public Administration Study Program who are now pursuing careers in fields relevant to their studies:

Nilam Adini Rakhma, M.A.P. is an alumna of the Bachelor of Public Administration who graduated in 2015 and the Master of Public Administration who graduated in 2021 who is now pursuing a career as a lecturer in the Bachelor of Public Administration Study Program, Diponegoro University. In her material session, she shared her experience as an HR Supervisor – Learning Development at PT Lion Super Indo, by providing practical insights on building work skills and competencies. Nilam emphasized the importance of setting career goals using the SMART method, recognizing one’s potential, and building personal branding through effective CVs and interviews. This guide is expected to help graduates face the world of work with confidence and a clear direction.

Andri Rahmat Hidayat, S.A.P. is a Public Administration alumni who graduated in 2024 who now serves as a Junior Expert for Regional Government Institutions, Directorate of Regional Development, Ministry of PPN / Bappenas. Andri shared stories about inspiring experiences, starting from the post-trial journey, applying for jobs, to adapting to the challenging world of work in Jakarta. He emphasized the importance of physical and mental readiness, responsiveness, and good communication to face the dynamics of work. Andri also emphasized the importance of taking advantage of opportunities while still in college. He also encouraged participants to be active in organizational activities and internships as career provisions.

Both speakers provided valuable insights, from preparing to face the world of work, building professional networks, to tips for staying relevant in facing the world of work.

This webinar presented an interactive question and answer session that discussed various topics, such as managing work pressure, the importance of further education, and navigating a future career. Interesting questions such as tips for applying for a job without a portfolio were also discussed, with suggestions for strengthening CVs, highlighting skills, and taking training. This session provided applicable insights for participants in facing the challenges of the world of work.

This webinar is expected to help students and alumni of the Public Administration Undergraduate Program, FISIP, Diponegoro University prepare themselves to face the challenges of the world of work. Through the experiences shared by the speakers and interactive discussions that are rich in insight, this activity is a real step to strengthen the relationship between students, alumni, and study programs, while encouraging graduates to be more confident in pursuing their careers in the future.


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