Prevention of Maladministration in Tegalroso Village: UNDIP Community Service Program (KKN) Students Educate the Community

Posted by Web Admin

August 2, 2024

Tegalroso Village, Parakan District, Temanggung Regency (01/08/2024). According to Law No. 37 of 2008 concerning the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, maladministration is defined as unlawful behavior, abuse of authority, negligence, or omission in public service delivery by state or government officials, causing material and/or immaterial harm to individuals or the community.

Maladministration is not uncommon in various institutions and government bodies in Indonesia. This is evident from data obtained from the 2023 Annual Report of the Indonesian Ombudsman, which revealed that there were 3,415 public complaints received in 2023. Among these, 40.38% were related to allegations of maladministration. The high rate of public reports on maladministration has a significantly negative impact on communities as victims of these practices.

The community often suffers both material and immaterial losses due to maladministration. For instance, such practices may force people to pay additional money to expedite services. Additionally, existing procedures are often unnecessarily complicated, leading to delays in the completion of necessary services. In Tegalroso Village, a densely populated area, clean and efficient public services are crucial.

In line with the ongoing Community Service Program (KKN) by Diponegoro University, the KKN Team II UNDIP conducted outreach programs for the community and village officials to prevent maladministration in public service processes.

The program began with questions posed to attendees regarding maladministration. It was found that many residents were unfamiliar with the term and unaware of the actions that constitute maladministration in public services. This lack of awareness creates opportunities for certain public service officials to abuse their authority for personal gain.

The UNDIP KKN team provided education on the definition of maladministration, its characteristics, types of actions, prevention methods, and steps to take when identifying indications of maladministration in public services.

Additionally, the KKN Team II UNDIP educated the community on how to report maladministration cases through the Ombudsman’s official website. The residents showed great enthusiasm for this material, recognizing that maladministration must be reported to prevent it from escalating into corruption. Alongside direct education, the KKN students distributed leaflets containing information on maladministration prevention.

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