Innovative Educational Video: An Effective Strategy to Prevent Stunting in the Community

Posted by Web Admin

October 22, 2024

The team II Community Service Program (KKN) of Diponegoro University to Banyuputih Village held an innovative multidisciplinary program aimed at preventing stunting through video visualization on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at the Banyuputih Village Hall. This program was conducted in response to the high rate of stunting in Indonesia, which requires a more effective and easily understood educational approach for the community. By utilizing video media, the students hope to convey health information in a more engaging and accessible way to various audiences. The program is designed to raise public awareness and understanding of the importance of early stunting prevention, using video as an interactive and easy-to-understand educational tool.

Stunting Educational Video Link

The main targets of this program are pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, mothers of toddlers, and members of the Nahdlatul Ulama Students Association (IPNU). Through video visualization, participants are encouraged to understand the factors causing stunting and the preventive steps that can be applied in everyday life. This target audience was selected so that the educational message could be directly implemented by mothers in caring for their children, while also involving the younger generation in promoting health.

The benefits of this program are expected to go beyond increasing knowledge; it also aims to create healthier behavioral changes in parenting and nutrition for children. The educational videos shown are designed to capture attention and help participants easily grasp the information being conveyed, so they can be better prepared to prevent stunting and ensure optimal child development.

Through this activity, Community Service Program (KKN) of Diponegoro University students hope to make a tangible contribution to stunting prevention efforts in Banyuputih Village. With an effective visual approach, they aim to strengthen community awareness of the importance of stunting prevention and encourage the local community to continue applying health practices that support the growth of healthy and intelligent children.

(Writer: KKN Undip Team II Students, Banyuputih Village)

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