Vision and Missions

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences has a vision that is in line with the Vision of Universitas Diponegoro, namely “Universitas Diponegoro To Be an Excellent Research University“

The realization of educational institutions, research and community service in the field of Public Administration that are competent, trusted and superior in global competition.
Scientific Vision
Organizing public administration education to produce administrator graduates who are able to conduct policy analysis and organizational analysis that is agile and responsive to public interests in a sustainable and information technology-based manner.
To realize our noble vision, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro has set the following missions.
To improve the competence of lecturers and students in the field of public administration in a conducive, competitive and professional academic culture
To increase the role of lecturers, alumni and students in the field of public administration on a local, national and international scale
To improve institutional excellence, governance, and human resources in the field of public policy and management

Creating Leaders from Indonesia for the World
We have produced alumni ranging from all over Indonesia and the world who play a prominent role in their respective fields.
Admission Information
- Improving the quality of teaching personnel’s formal education (35% with Doctoral qualification)
- Improving the quality of student’s GPA (3.25 on average)
- Optimizing the competence of lecturers in research and community service
- Increasing the number of on-time graduates (95%)
- Increasing the number of lecturers’ scientific paper publications in both accredited national and international journals
- Increasing the number of research collaborations with related institutions
- Improving the quality and quantity of community services programs
- Maintaining the institution’s accreditation value
- Developing the curriculum periodically
- Obtaining research out of the Faculty’s regular budget