45 Days with DPD RI of Central Java Province

Posted by Web Admin

November 18, 2022

The government bureaucracy internship programme is an internship programme held by the Department of Public Administration for its students to improve soft and hard skills, as well as the ability, experience, and skills of students in preparing themselves in the world of work. This internship activity was carried out for 45 days from 1 September – 12 October 2022. Internship activities are carried out by students who have taken internship courses. There are many choices of internship schemes, one of which is the Government Bureaucracy Internship Programme. The chosen government bureaucracy is the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia of Central Java Province. The reason for choosing the DPD RI of Central Java Province as a place for student internships was because apart from the DPR and DPRD, the DPD government institution was also an important institution, but the understanding in the general public was still lacking. DPD RI is a regional representative institution, which serves as a state institution, and consists of provincial representatives elected through general elections. DPD RI institution was formed in the third amendment of the 1945 Constitution in 2001 which was prompted by the desire of some regions to separate themselves from the Republic of Indonesia during the reformation period.

Therefore, DPD RI was formed to overcome the problems of central-regional relations and strengthen regional bonds within the Republic of Indonesia as well as build a mechanism of checks and balances between branches of state power and within the legislative branch of power itself. DPD is located in each province in Indonesia including Central Java Province. This is regulated in Act No. 27 of 2009 on the MPR, DPR, DPD, and DPRD, namely in Article 227 Paragraph (4) which states ” DPD members in carrying out their duties are domiciled in their electoral districts and have offices in the provincial capital of their electoral district “. On the basis of the MD3 Constitution Article 227 Paragraph (4), the DPD RI with the electoral district of Central Java Province established an office in the capital city of Central Java Province, namely Semarang City. DPD RI has three functions, namely: legislative, supervisory, and budgetary functions.

In addition, DPD RI has the authority and duties of:

  1. Proposing draft laws relating to regional autonomy, relations between the centre and regions, the formation and expansion and merger of regions, the management of natural resources and other economic resources, as well as those relating to the financial balance between the centre and regions to the DPR;
  2. Participating in the discussion of draft laws
  3. Compiling and submitting an inventory list of problems of draft laws originating from the DPR or the President
  4. Providing considerations to the DPR on the draft law on the state budget and the draft on taxes, education, and Religious Affairs.
  5. Monitoring the implementation of the law
  6. Presenting the results of supervision to the DPR for further action
  7. Receiving the results of the audit of state finances from the BPK
  8. Providing consideration to DPR in the selection of BPK members
  9. Preparing the National Legislation Programme
  10. Monitoring and evaluating draft regional regulations

Internship activities carried out for 45 days at the DPD RI Office of Central Java Province included attending several senators’ meetings in the context of monitoring and evaluation, as well as coordination meetings. In addition, the internship activities there were to assist employees in doing daily work, such as printing / copying, making attendance lists, and others. Student interns were also trained on how to conduct minutes and minutes of meetings properly. During these 45 days, internship students gained a lot of knowledge, experience, and relationships that would benefit internship students later in the world of work. Moreover, internship students learnt to solve problems regarding human resource constraints in the DPD RI Office of Central Java Province. This provides new experiences for students in solving problems in the scope of work and organisations.


Ayu Ansyari Triana

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