Strengthening Public Service: Innovation by UNDIP Community Service Program (KKN) Team II 2023/2024 Student through Service Declarations and Community Satisfaction Surveys

Posted by Web Admin

August 1, 2024

Jagan Village, July 31, 2024 – Villages have special autonomy to manage their own governance according to the interests of their communities, including public service delivery within the village’s administrative area.

Jagan Village, one of the villages in Bendosari District, Sukoharjo Regency, acts as a service provider with autonomy in public service administration. In terms of public services, the Jagan Village Government has shown its commitment by deploying competent and skilled service officers and providing adequate public facilities.

However, the Village Government has not yet formally committed to this by creating an official service declaration. This was the opportunity for Nidaul, a student from Universitas Diponegoro University Community Service Program (KKN) Team II, to carry out her work program by implementing a Service Declaration and Community Satisfaction Survey. This program was conducted on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at the Jagan Village Office and was received by Mr. Mariyo, the Head of Jagan Village.

The Service Declaration is a written statement that provides complete information regarding the services offered by the Jagan Village Government. This declaration serves as a form of transparency and accountability to the residents of Jagan Village in realizing a good and clean village government. With this declaration, it is expected that public services in Jagan Village will improve in quality and better meet the community’s needs.

While the service declaration serves as an initial promise in public service delivery, the community satisfaction survey is a measurement tool conducted after the public receives services from the Village Government.

The purpose of the community satisfaction survey is to understand how satisfied the residents of Jagan Village are with the public services provided by the village officers. The survey results will allow the Jagan Village Government to identify service shortcomings that need improvement or gather feedback from the community through the survey. This survey data can then serve as a foundation for decision-making to improve public service quality.

Mr. Mariyo, Head of Jagan Village, expressed his appreciation for this work program and will implement the service declaration and community satisfaction survey as efforts to enhance services for the people of Jagan Village.

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